摘要:Since the doubly heavy baryons masses are experimentally unknown (except and ), we present the ground state masses and the positive and negative parity excited state masses of doubly heavy baryons. For this purpose, we have solved the six-dimensional hyperradial Schrödinger equation analytically for three particles under the hypercentral potential by using the ansatz approach. In this paper, the hypercentral potential is regarded as a combination of the color Coulomb plus linear confining term and the six-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential. We also added the first-order correction and the spin-dependent part contains three types of interaction terms (the spin-spin term, spin-orbit term, and tensor term) to the hypercentral potential. Our obtained masses for the radial excited states and orbital excited states of ,,,,, and systems are compared with other theoretical reports, which could be a beneficial tool for the interpretation of experimentally unknown doubly heavy baryons spectrum.