摘要:This study aimed to identify and describe the knowledge related to the classification and attributes used by farmers in the cities of Antonina and Morretes - PR. The informant group selection occurred as the availability of individuals to participation the research. A total of 20 farmers were interviewed along with their family. The ethnopedological knowledge of farmers was identified and described through participatory diagnosis which consisted of four steps:1) narrative interviews, 2) participatory mapping, 3) walking around the farm, 4) general meeting. The results show that farmers recognize and classify the different existing types of existing lands in the units of local farm, being identified and described four classes of land:1) “Terra de Morro”, 2)“Sabão de Caboclo”, 3)“Terra Argilosa” and 4)“Terra de Desmonte”. The mentioned attributes used for classification of lands have followed the sequence of importance, landscape position, texture, color, drainage, fertility and organic matter. The classification system of farmers can identify and describe objectively the lands, using attributes and relating them to observable aspects such as land suitability and soil management.