摘要:Elections have been found to be a panacae for good governance. Governments become accountatble when voters are allowed to choose who represent them. Traditional manual based balloting system have been shown to be susceptible to elections malpractices. This is apart from the huge financial and other costs associated with manual ballotting. This work adresses the above issues by designing and implementing an Android tablet based Electronic ballotting System. An android-based application has been developed using android programming kit. An electronic ballot paper was simulated using a Graphical user interface (GUI) on a touchscreen device to eliminate the use of keyboard and mouse to avoid complications for voters. At the conclusion of polling, results are dispayed. An electronic based Voter Verified Audit Trail (VVAT) was implemented to ensure recount is possible where neccessary. Results of tests shows that usability of the system is high while accuracy have been shown to better and more cost effective than a manual ballotting system.