摘要:The evolution to network and computational paradigm has gone through a amazing phase of expansion and development. The growth curve was indeed very steep in many major domains. The advent of Cloud computing & Machine learning has enhanced the implementation in application area like Bioinformatics. With huge application-domain scope Cloud computing has emerged as a special area of interest for many bioinformatics researchers. Research is being done on different aspects of Cloud computing with bioinformatics for identifying areas of improvement and their respective remedies for living beings. Specially the cloud computing are acting very helpful for identifying H1N1 virus in human. H1N1 is an infectious virus which, when spread affects a large volume of the population. It spreads very easily and has a high death rate. Similarly cloud computing doing good job for detection of Hypertension, Diabetics, Cancer and Heart patient with software as a service, so the development of healthcare support systems using cloud computing is emerging as an effective solution with the benefits of better quality of service, reduced costs. This paper, provide an effective review towards cloud computing important effort in a field of bioinformatics.