其他标题:Trial Of Tanzimat Reform Era Poet With Reason Within The Context Of The Effects Of The Perception Of Positivist Reasoning On Ottoman Modernization
摘要:Osmanlı modernleşmesinin ortaya çıkardığı hoşnutsuzluğun altında yatan en önemli etken iki farklı medeniyet arasında önyargı ve savaşa dayalı mücadele üzerinden tanımlanan bir ilişki kurulmasıdır. Bu durum kuşatıcı ve derinlikli bir yenileşme programının ortaya koyulmasını zorlaştırmış, gelenek ve yenilik arasında yaşanan çatışmalarla şekillenen düalist bir zihniyetin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Şairin değişen sesi sadece edebî eserlerde yaşanan bir farklılaşmayı değil aynı zamanda devrin ruhunda meydana gelen duygusal ve düşünsel dönüşümü yansıtan veriler sunar. Tanzimat devri poetik metinlerine de yansıyan Osmanlı modernleşmesinin zihniyet dünyası şiirlerdeki tematik değişimden hareketle izah edilebilir. Tanzimat şairi, metinlerinde, Modernizmin gelenek ve kutsalla keskin çatışmalar yaşadığı alanlardan biri olan akıl algısını, tasavvufun akıl yorumu ile pozitivizmin modern akıl anlayışını farklı şekillerde buluşturur. Aklı kutsayan şairlerin yanı sıra aklın araçsallığını sorgulayan ve akıldan mustarip olan şairler Batılılaşmanın sebep olduğu ikilemlerin mahiyeti ve sebeplerinin anlaşılması konusunda şiir metinlerinden hareketle Osmanlı modernleşmesinin akıl konusundaki yaklaşımını ortaya koyarlar. Tematik değişim içinde özellikle akıl konusunun seçilmesinin sebebi, aklı temel güç olarak gören modernizmin Tanzimat devrinde öngörülen akılcı toplum modelinin temellerini hangi dinamikler üzerine inşa ettiğini ortaya koyabilmektir. Bu tespitleri göz önünde bulundurarak Tanzimat devri şiirlerine akıl teması bağlamında metin ve yazar odaklı bakılan bu çalışma ile modernleşme tarihimizin düşünsel zeminine dair değerlendirmeler yapılması amaçlanmıştır.
其他摘要:Introduction: Ottoman modernization, which founds its theoretical and intellectual framework upon the encounter of two different civilizations, achieves a special dimension in the Tanzimat Reform Era with literary modernization. In this era, while the understanding of traditional literature was changing, the attitude of littérateurs towards social problems exhibited differences. Artist intellectuals, while creating literary works, interpreted the social reflections of modernization with designation, criticism and solution recommendations. Particularly, this situation, observed in examples of the Turkish poetry of Tanzimat Reform Era, points out the intellectual dynamics as well as the thematic change in poetry. Objective of the Study: Ottoman modernization, which gathered momentum with the Tanzimat Reform Era, is a project adopted as the emancipation formula for a disintegrating and dissolving state. Therefore, the effects of the modernization on the Ottoman cultural life, which is built on a traditional structure, manifest itself through conflicts. This study aims to establish the relationship of the era’s poet with modernization and the traces of Western thought that is influential on the emergence of the modern Turkish literature, within the scope of Tanzimat Reform Era poetry. Based on poetry, this study evaluates at which level Turkish literature was influenced by reason, as the keyword of modernism, and positivism that adopts reasoning as the fundamental strength; and at which points the traditional perception of reason, which resides on the sufist understanding, could not agree with positivist reasoning. It is as well in the scope of the study to discuss that the change in the perception of reason is not only limited to the themes reflected within poetry, but also how spiritual and metaphysical powers, assumed to accompany reason by tradition, were questioned in the modernization process. The approach of the Ottoman intellectual on reason, which adopts the view to keep up with the world and to follow the developments in the West, would additionally present the idea behind the dualist and eclectic structure that emerged in the Tanzimat Reform Era. This study, which sheds light on an important stage of the history of Turkish modernization, aims to evaluate the intellectual and philosophical background of the Tanzimat Reform Era focusing on the poetic texts. Methodology: This study, originating from a certain period of Turkish literature, adopts the methodological approach of criticism towards the artist, while providing a different perspective on modernization, which is regarded as a shared topic in literature and sociology. This article, which aims to theorize on samples that are derived from literary texts residing on different disciplines such as history and sociology, practices upon the terminology of