摘要:Studies from several countries have shown that qualified educators in earlychildhood programmes make a significant difference in providing quality EarlyChild Care and Education (ECCE) have resulted in improved outcomes for youngchildren. Given this fact, the Malaysian government has proposed to raise theminimum qualification of all preschool teachers to a diploma in early childhoodeducation by 2020. This study examines the status of the private sector earlychildhood workforce in Malaysia and their readiness for further training. Astratified sample comprising 3,087 teachers was asked to complete a paper-andpencilquestionnaire that explored their readiness for further education. Results ofthe study show that a large proportion of private sector teachers are young, underqualified, inexperienced and underpaid. Teachers are aware of the need to upgradetheir skills and are ready to do so if given the opportunity. The study suggests thatthere is an urgent need to attend to private sector teacher professionalism so thatquality early childhood care and education can be provided to the very young inthe country by the private sector.
关键词:early childhood workforce readiness; work conditions; professionalism