期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Brisk industrialization and urbanization in developing countries like India propound major problems incollection, disposal and treatment of effluents, this leads to public health problems and other environmental problems.For constructing a sustainable world we require to minimize the use of fossil fuels which leads to less generation ofpollutions, MFCs are the alternative technology for wastewater treatment and generation of electricity. In this studysugar mill wastewater is used as substrate and is inoculated with sludge from UASB and Cow dung for the productionof bioelectricity. This study explores application of single chambered MFC in generation of bioelectricity. Themaximum average voltage, average current and average power produced in MFC using 220Ω external resistor were177.66mV, 0.807mA and 143.171μW respectively at 20h HRT and The maximum coulombic efficiency in MFC is5.295% at 20h HRT. At maximum average power generation, 1000 mg COD/L of feed concentration, the CODremoval efficiency was 86.75% at 20h HRT and Average maximum power density in MFC was 6507.7μW/m2. Singlechambered MFC with double cathodes might be more advantageous on the bases of electrical power production butwould have higher capital costs due to the use of more cathodes and greater surface area of electrodes and Singlechambered MFC with single cathode might be more useful on the basis of capital costs due to the use of less cathodesurface area and less surface area of electrodes.
关键词:Microbial fuel cell (MFC); Single chambered MFC with single cathode (MFC-A); Single chambered;MFC with double cathode (MFC-B); Hydraulic retention time (HRT); continuous flow mode; Electricity generation.