期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:“When there is a choice of Green, why to choose Grey”. Storm water runoff has become anunmanageable issue over the past years.As urbanization is taking its pace in the recent decades, the permeable areaavailable within the urban areas is decreasing exponentially with the increase in built area. Changes in land use have amajor effect on both the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff. If the impacts of urbanization are not planned andmanaged properly, natural hydrology of an area experiences a drastic change in its original form. Increased imperviouscover decreases the amount of rainwater that naturally infiltrates into the soil and as a result, increases the volume ofstormwater runoff. The rising rate of urban storm runoff and its management is demanding a solution to be addressed.Green infrastructure helps in answering these issues both quantitatively and qualitatively by capturing rainwater, eitherstoring it for future use or allowing it to percolate into the natural vegetation to improve the groundwater levels. Thewhole research has been divided into 2 parts where the first part concentrates on deriving the parameters that can beconsidered while planning “Green Infrastructure” and the second part of research is on analyzing these parameters andon implementing green infrastructure on the basis of derived parameters. This paper outlines a small piece of researchon arriving at the parameters that are to be considered while planning green infrastructure and various ways to integrateGreen Infrastructure into present physical/grey infrastructure via Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in both policymaking and designing.
关键词:Green Infrastructure; Grey Infrastructure; Urban design; Urban Planning; storm water management;Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS); Urban areas.