期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Grids floors are type of floors which are supported by the series of equally spaced beams with arearranged in a regular grid pattern. There are different methods available for analysis of grid floors namely Rankine-Grashoff’s method, Plate Theory, Stiffness Matrix Method.These methods are elaborate and time consuming to obtain the solution .The task of solving the problemmanually is often tedious, unrewarding and the brain often gets tired and distracted. The probability of making mistakesincreases. There was a need for developing a general purpose program which reduces the time required for solving theproblem and produce results with high degree of accuracy.In this paper a parametric study is conducted on different methods of analysis of grid slabs. A general purposeprogram has been developed in Visual Basic environment by combining the methodologies. The program was validatedwith results of standard software available for the intended purpose. The results obtained from the program are plottedfor comparison and the conclusions are drawn.The interactive program developed under Visual Basic environment helped in saving time. The alterations orchanges can be made easily. The results obtained from the program were in good co-relation with one another and theobjective of the study is achieved.