摘要:This research develops force contact models to beimplemented and used in real-time dynamicsimulations. There currently exists a need for fullbody contact modeling and soft tire on solid groundinteraction. The Collision Forces model enablesrigid bodies to interact with external objects bycreating collision constraints between intersectingbodies and by using a penalty method that involvesapplying a spring-damper force based on thepenetration distance. The Tyre Collision modelsimulates vehicle applied forces using the PacejkaMagic Formula, creating soft tire on solid groundinteractions, which is favorable for High-MobilityMultipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). TheTyre Collision applies longitudinal and lateral forcesbased on the vertical load, camber angle, and slipangle while avoiding divergence at low velocities.The contact models are applied to a bipedal robotand rover vehicles assembly for testing. Variousregression tests are performed and a GUI was usedto ensure that the simulations respond naturallyand results are compared to known methods.