出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Cryptography is a security technique that must be applied in both communication sides to protectthe data during its transmission through the network from all kinds of attack. On the senderside, the original data will be changed into different symbols or shapes by using a known key;this is called encryption. On the other communication side, the decryption process will be doneand the data will be returned to its former shape by using the agreed key. The importance ofcryptography is to fulfil the communication security requirements. Real time applications (RTA)are vulnerable for the moment because of their big size. However, some of the current algorithmsare not really appropriate for use with these kinds of information. In this paper, a novelsymmetric block cipher cryptography algorithm has been illustrated and discussed. The systemuses an 8x8x8 cube, and each cell contains a pair of binary inputs. The cube can provide a hugenumber of combinations that can produce a very strong algorithm and a long key size. Due tothe lightweight and fast technique used in this idea, it is expected to be extremely rapid comparedto the majority of current algorithms, such as DES and AES.