出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Sphere Decoding (SD) algorithm is an implement decoding algorithm based on Zero Forcing(ZF) algorithm in the real number field. The classical SD algorithm is famous for itsoutstanding Bit Error Rate (BER) performance and decoding strategy. The algorithm gets itsmaximum likelihood solution by recursive shrinking the searching radius gradually. However, itis too complicated to use the method of shrinking the searching radius in groundcommunication system. This paper proposed a Variable Radius Sphere Decoding (VR-SD)algorithm based on ZF algorithm in order to simplify the complex searching steps. We prove theadvantages of VR-SD algorithm by analyzing from the derivation of mathematical formulas andthe simulation of the BER performance between SD and VR-SD algorithm.
关键词:MIMO; Signal Detecting; Maximum Likelihood Solution; Sphere Decoding; Variable Radius