出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a promising technology which aims to provide efficientcommunication between devices in a network with no guaranteed continuous connectivity. Mostof the existing routing schemes for DTNs achieve message delivery through message replicationand forwarding. However, due to the lack of contemporaneous end-to-end communication path,designing routing protocols that can achieve high delivery rate with low communicationoverhead is a challenging problem. Some routing protocols appear with high similarity, buttheir performance are significantly different. In this paper, we evaluate several popular routingprotocols in DTNs, including Epidemic, Spray and Wait, PRoPHET, and 3R through extensivetrace-driven simulations. The objective is to evaluate the performance of different routingschemes using different data traces and investigate the optimal configuration setting for eachrouting scheme. This paper provides important guidances on the design and selection of routingprotocols for given delay tolerant networks.