出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:We present in this work an energy detection algorithm, based on spectral power estimation, inthe context of cognitive radio. The algorithm is based on the Neyman-Pearson test where therobustness of the appropriate spectral bands identification, is based, at one hand, on the‘judicious’ choice of the probability of detection (PD) and false alarm probability (PF). First, weaccomplish a comparative study between two techniques for estimation of PSD (Power SpectralDensity): the periodogram and Welch methods. Also, the interest is focused on the choice of theoptimal duration of observation where we can state that this latter one should be inverselyproportional to the level of the SNR of the transmitted signal to be sensed. The developedalgorithm is applied in the context of cognitive radio. The algorithm aims to identify the freespectral bands representing, reserved for the primary user, of the signal carrying information,issued from an ASCII encoding alphanumeric message and utilizing the BPSK modulation,transmitted through an AWGN (Added White Gaussian Noise) channel. The algorithm succeedsin identifying the free spectral bands even for low SNR levels (e.g. to -2 dB) and allocate themto the informative signal representing the secondary user.
关键词:Radio cognitive; energy detection; spectrum sensing; power spectral density; BPSK modulation;primary/secondary user