摘要:The present study aimed at constructing a formative assessment inventory forassessing EFL instructors' conception and literacy about the issue under study.Therefore, 302 male and female Iranian EFL teachers took part in the study in arandom way to fill out the researcher made questionnaire. The first draft of thescale consisted of two main categories, tacit (theoretical) and practical knowledgealong with 26 items. After employing EFA and CFA, it was revealed that thequestionnaire consists of a high validity. Also, for having a better fit for model andconstruct validity, some of the items were omitted out of the first draft of thequestionnaire because of having low loadings. In addition, the reliability of thequestionnaire was gained by running Cronbach's Alpha which was .855. At theend, the results for EFA revealed that the two factors can be regarded as the twoconstructs that the test claims to measure, namely: (1) Tacit knowledge, and (2)practical knowledge. Among the 17 items of the "Tacit knowledge category" fiveitems (9, 14, 15, 16, and 17) were excluded because of loadings less than .30.
关键词:formative assessment; conception; literacy; SEM; EFL teachers; EFA; CFA