摘要:The objective of this present research is to develop an Indonesian Syntaxtextbook. At the exploratory stage, a descriptive-qualitative approach was adopted.The data were collected using a documentary study, observations, andquestionnaires and analyzed through a contextual model. The model wasexperimentally tested. At this stage, some main findings are obtained: (1) thelearning activities of Syntax were lecturers-centered and theoretical; (2) thelecturers and students needed an Indonesian Syntax textbook with the contextual.The prototype was then tried out limitedly and extensively. The results of the tryout showed that the learning model was appropriate for improving the students’ability in learning syntax. The prototype of the learning model that had beenapplied was made as a learning model, then it was tested through experiments.Based on the statistical analysis using a standard deviation, the tcount of the posttestresults namely was 2.339, and since the tcount was 2,0086, meaning that the tcount ishigher than that of ttable with significance of 0.030 < 0.05, It is concluded that theIndonesian Syntax textbook adopting a learning model with the contextualapproach is more effective than that with a conventional model.
关键词:textbook; syntax; contextual approach; lecturers; higher education; Indonesia