摘要:The current study tried to empirically examine the influence of enhancingEmotional Intelligence on writing skill. The method of doing the study was givingan “Interchange Placement Test” to the university students who majored in English(EFL learners) in Iran. After selecting intermediate level students for participatingin the study, an IELTS test was administered to evaluate the proficiency of theparticipants at the beginning of the project. Next, the Emotional Quotient (EQ) ofthe subjects was measured and afterwards, teaching Emotional Intelligence (EI)was started. At the end of a one-educational-year course of simultaneouslyteaching EI and writing skill, the same EQ and IELTS test was given to thelearners. The difference in scores of both EQ and IELTS test were statisticallycalculated to observe the progress in each issue. The results revealed a significantchange both in EQ and in writing skill. The findings of the study could help furtherthe knowledge in the related field.