摘要:The aim of this research was to reveal the relationship between student’s readinginterest and critical thinking skills through Reading Concept Map GroupInvestigation (Remap GI) and Reading Concept Map Jigsaw (Remap Jigsaw)learning models. To do so, two science classes from first grade of two Senior HighSchools in Malang, Indonesia were selected as the participants of the study. Theywere given the reading interest questionnaire and critical thinking skills essay testafter thought by two different learning models. The obtained data were analyzedthrough Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation and doing a statisticalregression analysis. The result revealed that there was no correlation between twovariables both in Remap GI or Remap Jigsaw class. Because of no correlationbetween two variables was found, two variables were compared through Remap GIand Remap Jigsaw using descriptive analysis. The finding of this study has someimplications for teachers to consider some aspect or skills from students and theirrelationship with each other. So the teacher can predict what needs to be developedand how to do it.