摘要:The current study attempted to investigate the effects of self-regulatory learningthrough computer-assisted intelligent tutoring system on the improvement ofspeaking ability. The participants of the study, who spoke Azeri Turkish as theirmother tongue, were students of Applied Linguistics at BA level at Pars Abad'sAzad University, Ardebil, Iran. According to the manual of the Oxford placementtest, students who scored between 31and 44 were considered as pre- intermediatelevel learners; therefore, 45 students were selected as the final participants of thepresent study. The participants were assigned to three groups. Groups A and Bwere experimental groups and received SRL through intelligent tutoring system,and group C was control group which did not receive SRL through intelligenttutoring system and instructed through traditional method. Quantitative analysesindicated that SRL through intelligent tutoring system had a significant effect onthe students' improvement in the speaking skill. Results of the immediate anddelayed post-tests revealed that self-monitoring strategy of SRL had a moresignificant effect on the students' performance in speaking than seeking-helpstrategy of SRL.