摘要:Emotions that teachers experience are not only important for their performanceand satisfaction in the classroom, but they also affect their interaction with studentsand students’ achievement. The present study mainly aimed to examine theassociation between teachers’ emotions and students’ perspectives towards thetheir teachers’ success in teaching, and to determine the predictors of students’views on teachers’ pedagogical success in teachers’ emotions components. Finally,the study tries to explore the students’ views regarding the influence of teachers’emotions based on semi-structured interview. In so doing, 80 homogeneousuniversity students majoring in TEFL form different universities in the northeast ofIran and 20 EFL teachers teaching English to the students of foreign languagesparticipated in this study. The results obtained from Pearson CorrelationCoefficient confirmed that there was a moderate, positive correlation betweenteachers’ emotions and students’ views on teachers’ pedagogical success.Moreover, running Multiple Regression, the study indicated that the best predictorsof students’ views on teachers’ pedagogical success in teachers’ emotionscomponents was for enjoyment. Finally, the findings from the interviews revealedthat display of emotions such as pride, and enjoyment can be used to motivate thestudents. The study offers practical implications for language teachers and learners.