摘要:This study set out with a threefold purpose: to examine (1) the oralcommunication strategies (CSs) employed by tertiary-level Turkish EFL learners,(2) the use of CSs based on exposure to English through audio-visual tools,university subject domain and gender differences, (3) the correlation between useof CSs and oral proficiency scores. To these ends, a quantitative dominant mixedmethods triangulation design was put to use. Yaman and Kavasoğlu’s (2013)Turkish adaptation of Oral Communication Strategy Inventory was the main datacollection instrument, accompanied by follow-up interviews to corroborate thequantitative findings. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA and Pearson productmomentcorrelations were conducted for statistical analyses while the qualitativedata were deductively analysed through a priori theoretical guiding scheme. As aresult, the participants were perceived to use oral CSs to some extent, withnegotiation for meaning having the top priority. In parallel, as the interview datahas shown, the students mentioned using CSs mainly for communication-boundreasons. Moreover, significant differences for CS use appeared only in terms ofexposure to English through audio-visual tools in favor of those who reported morefrequent exposure. Finally, a positive but weak correlation was calculated betweenstudents’ overall CS use and oral proficiency scores.
关键词:oral communication strategies; English as a foreign language (EFL) learners;strategy training; negotiation for meaning; mixed methods research