摘要:The knowledge on diversity and distribution of spiders in Rajasthan is sparse as comparedto other regions. There is a dire need of research regarding species composition,distribution pattern so that their role in controlling insect pests could be ascertained.Present study examined a novel approach for documenting the diversity of spider fauna inarid and semi- arid (Ajmer and Jodhpur) region of Rajasthan, India. A regular survey ofspider faunal complex was conducted in four major habitats namely, woodland, wetland,pasture and caves/crevices/rocky area. Maximum number of spiders was found inwoodland habitat and the minimum number of spiders were collected and identified fromcaves/crevices/rocky area with 31.86 and 17.61 relative abundance, respectively.Similarly, diversity indices viz., richness, evenness, Shannon-Weiner and Simpson indexalso indicated the maximum species richness in woodland and minimum incaves/crevices/rocky area. In woodland, Araneidae and Oxyopidae were found as mostabundant families with 41.44 and 15.78 percent of total spider fauna while Lycosidae wasfound as the most abundant family in wetland but was at par with Araneidae in pasturehabitats. In Caves/crevices/rocky area, family Pholcidae was found as the most abundant.