期刊名称:ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies/Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften
出版社:Society for South East Asian Studies/Gesellschaft für Südostasienwissenschaften
摘要:Environmental and social transformations in Jambi province, Indonesia, are inextricablyinterlinked. Large-scale agro-industrial development and nature conservation policiesequally alienate local communities from their agricultural lands and turn land into ascarce resource. Consequently, access to agricultural land becomes increasingly contested,not only between communities and state institutions or companies but also amongcommunities themselves. To secure or restore local ‘indigenous’ land rights against landgrabbing and green grabbing by states and companies, indigenous land titling has becomea powerful tool all over the world. Ongoing activities of indigenous land titling in Indonesiahave been largely perceived as an act of justice by indigenous and land rights activistsand affected communities. Yet, a challenging step towards titling is the identificationof who is and who is not ‘indigenous’. This highly political process creates ethnicity-basedidentities tied to rights and possibilities around land as a contested resource. Based on acase study of a national park in central Jambi, this paper shows that what is perceived asan act of justice against the state can also produce injustice among local communities byheavily impacting and transforming local social structures and relations.
关键词:Ethnic Identity; Indigenous Land Titling; Indonesia; Jambi; Land Use Conflicts