期刊名称:Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali
出版社:Luigi Pellegrini Editore
摘要:Continuing training in enterprises play a crucial role andconsidered as economic and social factor to adapt theeconomic and social developments.perspectives of continuing training in enterprises havegreat importance for the political sectors, trade, industry,business, and society.This article provides an overview of the relationshipbetween types, forms, strategies and methods incontinuing training in enterprises. In addition, this paper isalso devoted to the presentation and systematization oftypes, forms, strategies and methods continuing training inenterprises as a current topic of discussion in adulteducation and continuing education. Based on a secondaryanalysis of the literature, the first part of this paperpresents an overview of types and forms of continuingtraining in enterprises.Furthermore the strategies and methodical procedures ofcontinuing training in enterprises are critically consideredand discussed with regard to their limitations. Inconclusion, this paper summarizes the contribution ofcontinuing training in enterprises as new perspectives interms of types, forms, strategies and methods.
关键词:Continuing training in enterprises; Types;Forms; Strategies; Methods.