摘要:On September 9, 2015, the South Korean Ministry of Science and ICT(the “MSIT”) established andannounced the “Information Protection Measures for Vitalization of Cloud Services” in anticipation that theuse of cloud computing would actively increase based on the implementation of the Act on CloudComputing Advancement and User Protection(the “Cloud Computing Act”) on September 28, 2015.In addition, the K-ICT Cloud Computing Activation Plan(Nov. 15) announced the basic plan for thedevelopment of cloud computing, and decided to establish information security scheme to improve the level of cloud information protection. Accordingly, The KoreaInternet Security Agency(the “KISA”) has implemented the “Cloud Security Assurance Program”.In this paper survey and analyze the international cloud security criteria and security certification criteriaof major countries, and discusses the status of Korea cloud certification system.
关键词:Cloud Security; Cloud Scheme; Security Control; Security Requirement; Cloud System