摘要:In this paper, we proposed a mechanism to block the leakage of internal information communicated inmobile environment by using Connectivity Based Access Control Model (ConnBAC). The connectivity-basedaccess control model(ConnBAC) is an access control model that improves the limitations of thepermission-based security model of mobile devices and detects and prevents unintentional behaviors in thesecurity policy. In this paper, we concentrate on the security function of information security by the levelof security given by the system according to the security policy of the model, and the function of blockingthe information leakage by abusing the privilege unlike the user 's intention. The proposed mechanismapplies differentiated security policy by setting protection level according to contents protection level. Inother words, it is a mechanism to control access according to the protection level of contents consideringthe legal connectivity and access of mobile platform.
关键词:Connectivity based Access Control(ConnBAC); Mobile Security; Internal Information Leakage