摘要:To mass produce imaging infra-red seekers, it was required to optimize the process and stabilize thequality in early stages, but as these took much time, it was necessary to automate the testing processwhich often required skilled testers. In this study, we have developed a multimedia-based automated testequipment reflecting the characteristics of image seekers and evaluated its stability in testing process. Forthe development, a server was constructed along with an integrated test system which is able to control aClient. This test equipment provided excellent images and visualized test results. Our implementationmethod led to 15% less production lead time and improved quality showing the process capability of above1.33. Through this study, an effective production technology for running a similar business in the futurehas been secured. In our future study, we plan to optimize the production process through additionalresearches such as optimization of environmental stress screening process.
关键词:Imaging Infra-Red Seeker; Process Capability Analysis; Modulation Transfer Function; Paired;t-test; Trend Analysys; Test Equipment Automation.