期刊名称:Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT)
出版社:National University of Singapore
摘要:This article argues for the importance of taking into account stakeholders’ beliefs and perceptions about teachingand learning foreign languages and CLIL, as they can be regarded as a pre-condition for the implementationof CLIL as a new pedagogical approach and finally for determining the success of teaching and learning throughCLIL in the given context. The research was placed within a mixed research paradigm and relied on data obtainedthrough the application of the QUAL-QUAN model, employing semi-structured interviews with administratorsand surveys among 15 teachers and 207 students. Qualitative data underwent a two-step coding process:open coding and axial coding. Quantitative data from questionnaires were processed through two applications:SurveyMonkey and SPSS. Descriptive statistics were calculated. SPSS was used to identify the degreeof association between different variables by cross-tabulating the results. Overall, the findings conclude thatboth teachers and students showed a high awareness of successful EFL teaching and learning practices, whichprovided them with more confidence and motivation for the application of CLIL as a new approach.