期刊名称:The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:This paper discusses the design of a non-immersive virtual environment for diagnosing dyslexic children’svisual-spatial potential called D-Potensi and the diagnostic testing of the prototype. The design of thevirtual environment is based on the adaption of Sutcliffe's VR development methodology, comprising fouractivities: (i) determining type of VR, (ii) selecting modalities and interaction devices, (iii) creating andmodelling 3D objects, and (iv)creating terrains. For the diagnostic testing, a qualitative approach usingsemi-structured interview and an observation technique were used to identify the potential problems of DPotensi.Participants of the diagnostic test comprised the president of Malaysian Dyslexia Association(MDA), a dyslexic teacher, the father of a dyslexic child, and five dyslexic children. The results of the testsuggest that the design of D-Potensi virtual environment needs further improvement to enhance itsusability. As such, the researchers propose a number of suggestions to improve the design of D-Potensivirtual environment.