出版社:Thai Society of Higher Eduction Institutes on Environment
摘要:Advanced Oxidation Process by means of Fenton-like process was performed to treat maturelandfill leachate containing 0.0069 M of Ferrous iron. Hydrogen peroxide was added to promotethe oxidation of leachate at specific Fe2+/H2O2 molar ratio, and conducted at pH 3 and pH 4 incompletely stirred batch operated for 240 min. The highest removal of organic measured as CODwas 97%, achieved at Fe2+/H2O2 molar ratio of 1:5 and pH 3. Although the presence of chlorideions interfere the oxidation process, the removal of COD was obviously affected at the molar ratioof 1:15 and 1:20 at both pH, whereas the other molar ratios were unclear due to possible generationof intermediate species. While pH 3 was preferable for the Fenton-like process, neutralisation/precipitation at pH 7 and/or pH 8 was required as polishing treatment of the effluents. This maylimit the application of Fenton-like process for alkaline leachate treatment.