出版社:Thai Society of Higher Eduction Institutes on Environment
摘要:The aims of this study were to determine the content of total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH) and heavy metals in top soil at Wonocolo public crude oil mining. Three composite soil sampleswere collected from oil well (OW), refinery (R), and transportation line (T) areas. Quantificationand identification of TPH were performed by Gravimetric method and Gas Chromatography-MassSpectrometry (GC-MS), respectively. Heavy metals concentrations were analyzed usingInductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The results showed thateach soil samples contained C14-36 of TPH with high concentration of 8.33; 12.30; and 4.35%in OW, R, and T soils, respectively. These values exceeded the limit of soil standard of 1.00%that indicated the top soils at Wonocolo public crude oil mining were highly polluted by TPH.Meanwhile, heavy metals such as Pb, Cr, and Hg have been detected in OW, R, and T soil at of0.07-0.10, 0.02-0.03, and 0.05-0.06 mg/g, respectively. These values were below the soil qualitystandard and indexed as moderate-very severe contamination of heavy metal. Bioremediationmay be recommended to reduce and manage the TPH pollution levels.
关键词:Heavy metal; Public crude oil mine; Soil polluted; Total petroleum hydrocarbon;Wonocolo Sub-district.