摘要:Waqf is viewed as one of the potentialmechanisms to stimulate the economic andsocial development of the society. However,despite the great contributions from waqf, thepotential and benefits of waqf have not beenfully capitalised. Acknowledging such issue,there is a need for the institutions responsibleto manage waqf assets to enhance theirperformance in fulfilling their accountabilitytowards relevant stakeholders, consistent withmaqasid waqf perspective. Therefore, the aimof this study is to explore the indicators ofperformance measurement for waqf institutionsbased on the non-profit organization, givensome similarity to non-profit organizations,and maqasid waqf perspectives. To achieve theresearch objective, this study will conduct twostages of data collection and analysis: reviewsof the literature and semi-structured interviewwith waqf managers and Islamic scholar. Theoutcome of the study will be in the form of aproposed performance measurement model, inline with maqasid waqf that can be adapted bywaqf institutions in assessing their performanceas well as discharging their accountability andenhancing the value creation of waqf assets forthe Ummah.