摘要:"Introduction: Traditionally, oligohydramnios has been implicated as a sign of potential fetal compromise and has been associated with an incidence of adverse perinatal morbidity and mortality. Thus, it is not entirely clear whether the adverse perinatal outcomes merely reflect the sequelae of other conditions or if reduced amniotic fluid volume itself contributes to the adverse outcomes. The objective of this study was to compare the pregnancy outcome in cases with isolated oligohydramnios with low risk women having normal amniotic fluid volume. Methods: This prospective case control study included 80 women with isolated oligohydramnios (AFI 5cm. Observations: The subjects with isolated oligohydramnios were associated with an increased incidence of Doppler abnormalities, CTG changes, meconium stained amniotic fluid and cesarean delivery as compared to women with normal amount of amniotic fluid. There was no difference between the cases and controls as regards duration of labor, need for oxytocin augmentation, need for neonatal resuscitation, APGAR score at 5 minutes, NICU admission, birth weight of neonates or incidence of LSCS for fetal distress. Conclusions: Apart from the increased cesarean section rate, which was partly attributable to the obstetrician’s practice choices, there were no differences in the maternal or perinatal outcomes."