摘要:"Background: Infectious waste management has always remained a neglected public health problem in the developing countries, result-ing in high burden of environmen-tal pollution affecting general masses. This study was conducted to know the effect of intervention on health care personnel’s regarding BMW management. Objectives: To assess the impact of educational intervention on the KAP of HCP’s regarding BMW management. Methodology: An interventional study was conducted among health care Personnel’s in Bangalore city hospitals for a period between (Jan-uary – December 2013) sample size of 550 was initially screened, and 151 were selected for intervention by using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Results: This study indicates that the statistical difference between pre-intervention and post-intervention tests (p<0.01) was highly significant. There was 43% increase in knowledge about BMW management. Conclusion: This study has deter-mined that training programs on the subject of waste management in the health sector has a signifi-cant effect in increasing the in-formation level of the healthcare personnel. "
关键词:Biomedical Waste Management; knowledge attitude and practice; health care waste management