标题:Communicative Approach in Improving Skill Speaking (Action Research on Grade V Students of SD Kitri Bakti Sub District North Cikarang Bekasi Regency)
摘要:The purpose of this study is to improve speaking skills through a communicative approach to students of grade V SD Kitri Bakti District North Cikarang Bekasi District. The research method used action research with model Kurt Lewin. The data source used is the students of grade V SD Kitri Bakti Sub District North Cikarang Bekasi District. The result of the research shows that the pre-cycle of students' speaking skill is the average score of 65.33 with the success rate of 40% so it is still relatively low, the cycle I speaking skill average score obtained by students 69.27 with the success rate of 76.67% with the criterion is still low, then cycle II speaking skills average score of 79.67 with level of success 86.67% with criteria have reached target in this research. This suggests that a communicative approach to improving speech skills in primary schools.