摘要:The paper deals with the evaluation sub-measures of the “Cooperation for development of new products, processes and technologies, respectively the innovation in the food industry”. It is a sub-measure under the Rural Development Plan (I. 1.3.2). The rating refers to the current programming period, but it was made in the context of a preparation of the new programming for 2014–2020. Strengthening of the cooperation and efficiency factors accelerating the innovation processes in food can act as a tool to gain competitive advantage for the future. It was based on the on- line survey on innovation in food companies, which are mainly in addition of supporting the product and process innovation demonstrating the effectiveness of the promotion of energy-reducing effects, increasing productivity and improving systems of logistics and distribution. This survey is indicative only. Therefore, the survey was completed as an analysis of the approved and paid projects on the measure and interview. The support enables the participating businesses to reduce debts; it shows, however, a need of the simplification and shortening of the administration of request, especially by small enterprises.
关键词:economic indicators; efficiency; research and development; rural development; structural support