摘要:The main goal of the presented paper is to propose, specify and quantify a model of partial equilibrium in the beef meat vertical in the Czech Republic. Characterized within the analyzed relations in the commodity vertical will be the demand-offer relationships on partial levels of the commodity chain on the basis of which the functional relations of the simultaneous model of the above-mentioned market will subsequently be specified. The quantified model enables the definition and description of the main determinants of the beef offer and demand. The data used was acquired from the Situation and Forecast Reports (MA CZ), from the Annual Reports on the State of Agriculture (UZEI) and from the Family Accounts Statistics (CSU), for the period from 1995–2010. With regard to respecting the simultaneous relations, the model estimate was carried out by the means of the two-level method of least squares with the subsequent statistic-econometrical verification. The acquired model shows a sufficient robustness for market analyses and the possible simulation calculations.