摘要:Marshall and Olkin (1997) introduced a general method for obtain-ing more exible distributions by adding a new parameter to an existingone, called the Marshall-Olkin family of distributions. We introduce anew class of distributions called the Marshall - Olkin Log-Logistic Ex-tended Weibull (MOLLEW) family of distributions. Its mathematicaland statistical properties including the quantile function hazard ratefunctions, moments, conditional moments, moment generating functionare presented. Mean deviations, Lorenz and Bonferroni curves, Renyientropy and the distribution of the order statistics are given. The Max-imum likelihood estimation technique is used to estimate the modelparameters and a special distribution called the Marshall-Olkin LogLogistic Weibull (MOLLW) distribution is studied, and its mathemat-ical and statistical properties explored. Applications and usefulness ofthe proposed distribution is illustrated by real datasets.
关键词:Marshall-Olkin; Log-Logistic Weibull distribution