期刊名称:Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
出版社:International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics
摘要:Nowadays one of the most challenging tasks of producingcompanies is the growing complexity due to the globalization anddigitalization. Especially in high wage countries, the ability todeliver fast and to a fixed date gets more and more important. Toachieve this logistic targets, it is necessary to optimize theProduction Planning and Control (hereinafter PPC).In times of Cyber-Physical Systems and the horizontal andvertical connection of whole producing companies, the PPC hasto deal with huge and real-time data. In the practice as well as intheoretical models there is a research deficit regarding toscheduling parameters (hereinafter SP). These parametersdetermine, for example, the planning frequency, planning lengthor planning resolution. A suitable setting of these parameters isindispensable in order to be able to process the data mentionedabove.This is why, this study investigates the effects of a change of thescheduling parameters on a target system. The focused researchquestions are: How can the effect of a scheduling parametersvariationon the target system of the PPC can be displayedefficiently? Is it possible to review the effect of the schedulingparameters-variation quantitatively and to derive action options?
关键词:Production management; scheduling parameters;real-time data; simulation model; System Dynamics; Production;Planning and Control