出版社:Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti i Institut za srpski jezik SANU
摘要:In contemporary Serbian, besides prototypical complex sentences with a conditional clause, there are several types of complex sentences with a conditional clause which has a primarily commentative function: Na otvaranje izložbe došlo je dva desetak ljudi, ako ih je bilo i toliko (At the exhibition opening, there were some twenty people, if that many); Ukoliko dobro pamtim, bagrem je prošle godine cvetao rano (If I remember well, acacias blossomed early last year), etc. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the syntactic structure of complex sentences of this type, to identify their syntactic and semantic subtypes, and to explore and describe their discourse functions. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 178004: Standardni srpski jezik: sintaksička, semantička i pragmatička istraživanja]
关键词:complex sentence; conditional clause; commentative clause; epistemic modality; semantic; pragmatic; and discourse functions of utterances