摘要:We present a scheme to encode quantum information (single logical qubit information) into three-photon decoherence-free states, which can conserve quantum information from collective decoherence, via nonlinearly optical gates (using cross-Kerr nonlinearities: XKNLs) and linearly optical devices. For the preparation of the decoherence-free state, the nonlinearly optical gates (multi-photon gates) consist of weak XKNLs, quantum bus (qubus) beams, and photon-number-resolving (PNR) measurement. Then, by using a linearly optical device, quantum information can be encoded on three-photon decoherence-free state prepared. Subsequently, by our analysis, we show that the nonlinearly optical gates using XKNLs, qubus beams, and PNR measurement are robust against the decoherence effect (photon loss and dephasing) in optical fibers. Consequently, our scheme can be experimentally implemented to efficiently generate three-photon decoherence-free state encoded quantum information, in practice.