摘要:Measurement and evaluation are one of the mos t fundamental components of education and areutilized by educators frequently. Ac co rdingly, it is necessary to make sure that teacher candidatesunders tand it well enough to choose appropriate measurement and e v aluation methods for their ownclas s rooms in the future. This s tudy examines teacher perspectives of several measurement and evaluationmethods that they encounter in courses at the university. The current study is conducted in the educationfaculty at a research univers ity in the 2008-2009 Academic year. One hundred teacher c a n d id a t e s (i.e.,preschool, elementary school, and social sciences teacher candidates) participated in the study. The studyincluded both q u alitative and quantitative methods. The findings of the current research show that theteacher candidates prefer objective methods in their university courses, have lack information on differentmeasuremen t and evaluation methods , namely subjective, objective and performance evaluationmeasurement methods . Recommendations to resolve this problem are stated at the end of the research.