摘要:Somali has been recovering from prolonged civil war; many businesses were established after the government collapsed in 1990,these new ventures invested locals and Somali Diaspora; telecommunication industry is most viable business in Somalia which faces a lotof challenges such as the dramatic changes on telecommunication innovations in the world. Today’s marketplace is knowledge-based;Somali organizations have to be ware that knowledge management is important for the organizational performance; this study focuses therelationship between knowledge management and telecommunication performance in Somalia also the study examine the effect thatInformation Technology application on knowledge management adoption. Explanatory design was employed to investigate therelationship between the variables; two hundred questionnaires were distributed to the telecommunication industry in Mogadishu; thereliability of the data was tested using Cronbach Alpha measurement; and it’s reliable and internal consistent. The study found thatknowledge management dimension had significant relationship with organizational performance; further findings and practicalimplication were discussed.