摘要:The level of customers‟ satisfaction is an effective pointer for a service quality measurement as it is based on the respondents‟ judgment toward the services rendered to and experienced by them. The main purposes of this study were to identify the relationship between service quality and customer‟s satisfaction and to determine which dimension of SERVQUAL has the highest impact on customers‟ satisfaction, of which the focus was the out-patients visiting the Sri Aman Polyclinic, Sarawak. Descriptive statistics and correlational approach were carried out by using SERVQUAL and Patient Satisfaction questionnaire. Reliability and validity of the SERVQUAL and Patient Satisfaction instrument were established. The respondents in this study consisted of 100 out-patients who visited the Sri Aman Polyclinic, Sarawak, Malaysia. The findings indicated that Empathy had a significant relationship with patients‟ satisfaction while Assurance was shown to have the highest impact on the patient‟s satisfaction. In a nutshell, it was pointed out that the service quality at the Sri Aman Polyclinic was significantly related to the patients‟ satisfaction. Thus, this study should be extended to the other rural areas in Malaysia, especially in the healthcare industry.
关键词:Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction; Polyclinic; Rural Area; Health Care