摘要:Background : TYPE 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM) appears to be a silent epidemic in many parts of the world. The prevalence of Diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing all over the world. Diet therapy should be the basic treatment approach for all patients with DM the efficacy of diet therapy in D.M is widely recognized. Aim of study: determine the quality of life (QOL) of patients with DM in Babylon and factors that affect( QOL ) and diet satisfaction of those patients and the relation between diet satisfaction and quality of life (QOL). Study design: Cross-sectional study of (200) patients attending the Diabetic and Endocrinology clinic. Patients and methods: Data obtained included questionnaires, measurement of anthropometric indices includes (Body mass index BMI, waist circumference, and waist to a hip ratio), and blood pressure with laboratory investigation includes glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), the collected data were analyzed by SPSS program version 18. Results: diet satisfaction there was statistical significant association between quality of life and feeling that meals are delicious, , history to make menus, economic burden of diet therapy, not being able to eat same foods as other family members, history to cook the diabetic diet, feeling that the health condition is good, feeling that the glycemic control status is good, and feeling that worsening of diabetes has been successfully kept under check. Conclusions: This study reports that Quality of Life of diabetes mellitus patients was good which appears to be related to demographics, medical history, and management regimens, and D.M significantly affects physical, social, and psychological health because QOL improvement in diabetic patients should be developed for multidimensional purposes.