摘要:The effect of maize weevil ( Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky 1855) infestation was evaluated on three pastas under laboratory conditions of 32±2 ° C temperature and 67±3% relative humidity. Macaroni suffered the highest quantitative loss with the highest number (62) of emerged adults at 2 months after infestation (MAI). However, the highest number (90) of insect at 4 MAI seen in spaghetti was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than 29 observed in noodles. Macaroni had the significantly (P<0.05) lowest final weight (13 g) at 4 MAI. Proximate analysis at 4 MAI revealed that noodles had the highest carbohydrate, dry matter, fibre, crude fat and ash which were significantly higher (P<0.0001) than spaghetti and macaroni. Spaghetti had the highest crude protein which was significantly higher (P<0.0001) than noodles and macaroni. The population of S. zeamais at 2 MAI was negatively correlated (r=-0.999, P=0.022) with the final crude fat and positively correlated (r=1.00, P=0.018) with final fibre contents of the pastas. The final weight of pastas at 4 MAI was negatively correlated (r=-0.998, P=0.037) with initial crude protein content of the pastas. The final dry matter of the pasta was positively correlated with the thickness (r=0.998, P=0.044). Key words : Spaghetti; macaroni; noodles; Sitophilus zeamais; infestation; pasta