摘要:Kolar Dam, a major masonry dam, is located about 35 km away from Bhopal , near Lawakhari village in Sehore District . Constructed across the Kolar River, a tributary of Narmada on the right bank, the dam is about 45 m high. The maximum storage capacity is 270 Mcm. Kolar reservoir is the important sources of potable water supply for the Bhopal city. To assess its suitability for drinking purpose, the physico chemical and microbiological characteristics were studied on monthly basis. In general almost all the parameters are within the range except coliform bacteria. Coliform bacteria were found beyond the norm prescribed for drinking water by various agencies. The analysis indicates that the water of Kolar reservoir is moderately soft with moderate alkalinity, transparent, low BOD, COD level as apparent by the study. The overall water quality of Kolar reservoir is not much affected by anthropogenic sources as it is surrounded by thick forest and less human activities are evident in this area. Therefore its water can only be used for drinking purposes but only after conventional treatment and disinfection.
关键词:Kolar Dam; Water quality; Physico chemical parameter; Drinking water.