其他摘要:masked go/no-go 范式,进一步考察了负性情绪,特别是恐惧和厌恶情绪对阈下反应抑制的影响。结果发现:负性情绪阻碍了阈下反应抑制,而恐惧和厌恶情绪对阈下反应抑制的影响可能是不同的 。 Previous researches show that negative emotion impairs conscious response inhibition. Even disgust and fear were both negative emotion with high arousal, and they had different effects on sensory and attention. With the masked go/no-go paradigm, this study aimed to discuss the impact of negative emotion (especially disgust and fear) on unconscious triggered response inhibition. The results suggested that negative emotion impaired subconscious response inhibition, also, disgust and fear may have different effects on it.