摘要:Pre-school education is carried out during a developmental period in which children are vulnerable and dependent on cognitive and affective aspects. In this period, the media is being used at a remarkable level in the formal and informal educational life of children. As a result of their interactions with the media, children are exposed to both positive and negative impositions of the media. Teachers are one of the stakeholders with professional responsibilities that should support children in the face of media impositions. Teachers need to have a high level of awareness of the influence of the media. In the study, the effectiveness of media research on the level of awareness of preschool teachers' media influence is examined. The study was carried out with multiple case studies. Different media researches were conducted on 6 different cases. Pre-school prospective teachers who conduct media research state that media research is quite effective in recognizing the media effect. They emphasize that media should be used consciously in pre-school education practices and media should not be used without conducting media researches.