摘要:Tyrimu siekta nustatyti judėjimo negalią turinčių asmenų išsilavinimo ir užimtumo sąsajas su prisitaikymu prie negalios. Apklausti 275 asmenys, turintys judėjimo negalią. Prisitaikymas prie negalios vertintas naudojant Reakcijų į negalią klausimyną ir Negalios priėmimo skalę. Nustatyta, kad aukštesnį išsilavinimą turintys asmenys rečiau patiria neigiamas reakcijas į negalią nei žemesnį išsilavinimą turintys asmenys. Dirbantys ar studijuojantys neįgalieji rečiau patiria neigiamas ir dažniau teigiamas reakcijas nei neturintieji užsiėmimo. Negalios priėmimą prognozuoja darbo turėjimas ir studijavimas, bet ne su negalia susiję rodikliai.
其他摘要:Every disability results in array of reactions ranging from negative affectivity to successful acceptance of disability among mobility impaired people. Previous studies suggest that educational level and occupation are potential variables affecting adjustment to disability but there is a lack of research analysing how these variables are related to individual’s reactions to disability. The aim of the study was to assess the importance of educational level and occupation to adjustment to disability among mobility impaired people. The study sample included 275 mobility impaired individuals, aged between 18 and 79. Their adjustment to disability was assessed using two questionnaires: 1) Reactions to Impairment and Disability Inventory (Livneh & Antonak, 1990), measuring six emotional reactions to disability: denial, depression, internalized anger, externalized hostility, acknowledgement and adjustment; 2) Acceptance of disability scale (Linkowski, 1971). The results revealed that individuals with higher educational level reported less internalized anger and externalized hostility compared to individuals with lower educational level. In addition, employed individuals expressed less depression and internalized anger and greater adjustment than unemployed individuals. Individuals who were students at the time reported less depression and greater denial, acknowledgement and adjustment to disability compared to those who were unemployed. Students also perceived greater externalized hostility than employed individuals. The results of linear regression indicated that employment and student status but not disability related variables significantly explained the variance of acceptance of disability.
关键词:adjustment to disability; reactions to disability; education; occupation; mobility impairment.
其他关键词:adjustment to disability; reactions to disability; education; occupation; mobility impairment